Commando, Part 45
From a stationary position, Matrix continues firing on the enemy with his machine gun. Then he begins strafing behind a row of flowers while still shooting. Soldiers on the grass, on the stone plaza, and on the rooftops fall under his withering fire. Matrix throws his leg over a low wall, climbs over it, and moves ever closer to the center of the compound. We next see him running across a tile roof. On the rooftop, Matrix takes out another soldier and keeps moving.
Meanwhile, Jenny continues making her way through the underground industrial area. Bennett is in pursuit. Elsewhere, Matrix hops down from the roof and enters the mansion. He moves through the hallways calling out for Jenny and kicking in doors. A soldier pops out from behind a corner, and Matrix quickly dispatches him.
Matrix uses the machine gun to rack up a steep body count in this segment, taking out, by my count, at least 17 soldiers in 34 seconds—an impressive one every two seconds. The audio during this portion is dominated by the loud, constant rattling of the machine gun, with occasional yelps from the soldiers. Some of the soldiers get shots off at Matrix, but the sounds of their guns are much quieter than Matrix’s gun, even when the camera is closer to them. As a result, it feels like we’re getting Matrix’s audio perspective regardless of the camera’s view.
As with the rest of this massive battle scene, the soldiers getting killed in interesting ways helps keep things fresh. All of the deaths in this segment are caused by a single weapon, the machine gun, but the stunt team does a great job mixing it up. Some soldiers get killed in close-ups with bloody squib effects. Some get hurled into the air by the force of the shots. A soldier twirls in place after he’s shot. One soldier falls off a roof, and another tumbles into a fountain. The variety prevents the sequence from getting stale, which can be a real risk when we don’t ever actually believe Matrix is in danger from these random goons.

The cross-cutting happens frequently here, with the film keeping close tabs on Bennett’s pursuit of Jenny while still checking in on Matrix’s progress through the courtyard and to the mansion. We’re getting a better look at the space that Bennett and Jenny are in, which is starting to feel like a natural spot for a final showdown between Bennett and Matrix. It’s a dimly lit underground space filled with pipes and the hum of machinery. Steam leaks out from various valves and fittings.
As Matrix enters the mansion, we get a rare glimpse of an enemy soldier’s subjective point of view. The soldier is waiting behind a corner, cigar in mouth and rifle in hand, as Matrix storms down the adjacent hallway, kicking in doors and calling out for his daughter. The soldier knows Matrix is here, but Matrix isn’t yet aware of the soldier’s presence. Still, even this golden opportunity to get the drop on Matrix is of no use. The camera dolleys sideways to show the hallway and Matrix’s approach. When Matrix gets close, the soldier pops around the corner, and Matrix instantly takes him out. Now more than ever, Matrix is seeming pretty invincible as he nears his final two foes: Arius and Bennett.