Commando, Part 51



Matrix, Cindy, and Jenny head into the seaplane as “We Fight for Love” continues to play on the soundtrack. Kirby watches them. As he boards, Matrix takes one last look at the island, then gets into the plane. The seaplane begins accelerating, bouncing on the waves as it picks up speed. After it lifts off, the credits begin to scroll up from the bottom of the screen. We still see the seaplane as it gets airborne, banks to the left, and flies over the spot where it took off. It turns back out to sea and flies into the distance, and the screen fades to black as the credits continue.


The credits themselves are in an italic typeface, with the roles in normal casing and the names in all caps. As the credits themselves note, they were designed and produced by R/Greenberg Associates of New York City. Well over 150 people are named—this was a sizable crew. Among them are some 54 stunt performers, as well as people in such roles as “Martial Arts Specialist” (Michael M. Vendrell), “Vocal Effects Advisor” (Raechel Donahue), “Teacher” (Arlene Singer), and “Grauman Goose Pilot” (Herb Johnson). The credits note that Commando is registered as film No. 27763 by the Motion Picture Association of America—right between Jewel of the Nile and Lucas. “We Fight for Love” plays over the entirety of the credits, fading out as the final copyright information comes up.